
19 Feb 2017 by Avi Azoulay

Hello Students – Parents

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.
Just a reminder about Next week during school break, we will have the following class schedule

Dojo will CLOSED Monday 2/20/17
Tuesday 2/21/17 through Thursday 2/23/17 – Regular Class schedule
Dojo will be closed Saturday 2/25/17 – We will all be the Shotokan Symposium Camp in PA – Join us


As some of you know – our dojo has been sponsoring a tournament for the past 5 year. This will be our 6th year.
We would like our children, juniors and adults to compete. register at

My partner, Sensei Luis Ruiz, and i have seen the tournament become an international tournament with teams from 13 countries plus many states in the union.
However, to manage and execute such a large international event cannot be done with out the volunteer forces, you – the students and parents.
Many of you helped in a big way in the past and we appreciate it, and asking you to help this year as well.
We will have a volunteer meeting at the dojo on Saturday 3/11 at 1 pm – please reserve the date and come to learn and discuss the operation.
We will need volunteers for Saturday afternoon 3/25 and Sunday 3/26
The Tournament is being held in Queens College Fitzgerald Gym, Sunday 3/26/17.

Please see em at the dojo and add your name – all hands are appreciated.

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