Dojo Schedule

16 Apr 2017 by Avi Azoulay

Hello Karate-Ka & Parents
I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays (Passover/Easter) and the school break.
However, as the break coming down to an end, we the Dojo are ready to go back to full schedule.
Starting Monday 4/17 we are back on full class schedule.
We will have a belt test on Saturday 4/22 and those who qualify will be notified (some already were) – all forms and fees must be submitted prior to test time.
In addition, our Dojo Team continue to represent us in competitions throughout the year, with one coming up on Sunday 4/23. Good luck to the team.
Attached you will find the information about our AJKA USA Summer Training Camp in PA – it is a great event with instructors from all over (including my senseis).
The camp will be held in Doyelstown PA (Delaware Valley University) – I recommend that everyone shall attend – great karate and great friendships.
See me for registrations and more info.

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